With our distribution network, you can reach up to 250k job seekers every months.
To ensure effective talent acquisition, we only advertise job postings through channels that meet our quality standards.
These acquisition channels include.
Job boards
We advertise your job postings over multiple locations on popular job boards such as:
- Salarship (proprietary)
- Jooble
- ZipRecruiter
Search engines
All job postings are optimized for search engines (learn more) and sent to:
- Google for Jobs
- Jobs on Facebook
- Tarta.ai
Optional: Social networks
We may advertise job postings via:
Optional: In-content advertising
We may advertise job postings in articles on:
- List of jobs, example: Best Part-Time Jobs for 21-Year-Olds.
- Resources, example: 9 Websites That Pay You to Do Homework for Other.
Optional: Email lists
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